Our food flavor and research innovators believe in creating your products into reality to leave a tasty memory.
We offer a set of packaging that enables customers to focus on their core products to grow their business.
Our made fresh-to-order capabilities can help to maximize your profits without compromising the quality.
Research and Development team, food specialists and experts help in private label your products
Many more companies prefer private labeling to increase their profit margins and cutting the cost
We have fully equipped facility, latest machines, and an experienced team of professionals
We Fameux foods believe that great food connecting the right people across a table, across the miles, and across generations. We aim to achieve this by offering a wide variety of ethnic food products that cater to the needs of its consumers both in Pakistan and worldwide. To pave the way for efficient collaboration, Our team of experts brainstorms tirelessly to provide you best and healthy food solutions. We also provide Private labeling and Co-Packing services to your customer either local or International.
“It is a distinct pleasure for me to recommend Fameux Foods to any and all interested parties. They have been professional, comprehensive, and competent throughout the process of our working together. We feel that we have established a relationship with them for years to come. The reaction to our products has been overwhelmingly positive. The same can be said for our view of Fameux Foods work for us.”
We believe that great food connecting the right people across a table, across the miles, and across generations.
Office 402 – A, 4th Floor, Bihayani,
Block-M, North Nazimabad, Karachi
+92 333 30 58 210